Monday, November 23, 2009
My new E71...great phone.
If you found that I always had a story behind my choice on cellphone, you should be prepare to be disappointed since it was no interesting story except that it was my 30th birthday present. In the beginning my beloved husband wanted to buy me Iphone 3G, I said "honey, do you know how much is that phone? no way that we want to buy that phone." So when few weeks ago I search on E71 on the net, I told him that this phone is closed enough to that Iphone, except the touchscreen of course.
Surprisingly, I have no interest on blackberry. Don't know why, just don't want to follow the lifestyle here. Other reason is because the brand. Nokia is much easier to use (in my opinion, don't take personally on this, haha).
So, here it is. My 'grey steel' Nokia E71. I'll upload the photo here later (still grumbling why I can no longer upload photos on my blogpost). So, I'll wait for you to follow me having our personal E71. Come on, it's only US $325. But if you wait a little longer, it should be cheaper now.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
6 Days Vacation in Bali : Day#4
Next stop is called Tanah Lot, another beach that has a temple surrounding by the sea. Unfortunately it's high water there so we can't see the snake that live in the cave below.
You know something, next thing that I love from Bali is, it's the place where you can find both most expensive and cheapest cloth and souvenir. Just choose your own style of shopping. For me, I prefer to go on window shopping when I found expensive things. So, when I saw a perfect bag there at CHANEL store, I said to my self I can make that bag myself, but of course with
different material and style.
We went to a market that sell many kind of art and clothes, just to buy few souvenirs and clothes for my beloved family at home. It's been domestic tourists favourite place, because of its price I believe.
Monday, September 21, 2009
6 Days Vacation in Bali : Day#3
September 21 2009, Time for adventure
We will visit 3 beautiful beaches today.Yes, I'll post the pictures for you my loyal readers:)
Kuta is the most crowded and popular beach in Bali, 50% are foreign people. We have to walk about 1kilometer to get to the most interesting hotel near Kuta Beach, Hard Rock Hotel. No, we don't stay there, just want to take pictures in front of the hotel. Haha, narcism is back!
Next point is Nusa Dua Beach. Not as popular as Kuta but still a nice place to visit. As always, the one who has most enthusiasm to walk is my kid. The third one was Sanur Beach, I don't like it much since it was more dirty and we can't reach the beach and take a walk on the sand.
It's rainy day today, it's like the rain is chasing behind us, so excited. No special menus, I want to taste special menu of fish or chicken, but I think people with me is not concern about that so we just take a regular food, just to avoid stomachache I think. That's okay, I've been there before and I hope it's not the last time I went there.
One more thing, I have a chance to see my friend in university other than Trisna. It was Rina, another Balinese mom:) with her family: husband and almost 2years old baby girl. What a blessing for me to meet them again after 6 years. Not much changes on them unless they have their own family now.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
6 Days Vacation in Bali : Day#2
We went for lunch at 1pm (Bali time is an hour ahead than ours in java island) then we tried to find Trisna's house. Bingo, there she is picking us and showed us the way to her house. Viuhh...i'm glad that finally I made it there and see he family, husband and 2 years old sweet little kid. She and my kid suddenly became so close and I'm glad seeing that, finally she found her first soulmate:) Kid...
We went out just to take a closer look at denpasar at night, I think it's more beautiful at night. The lights, interior, store are everywhere. Such a paradise for those who love to see art in all variance of thing. For me, this is one thing I like from people in Bali. Such a creative people they are.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
6 Days Vacation in Bali : Day#1
Yes, today is our 4th anniversary, but no celebration required I think. But It's beyond my expectation that my husband said some nice WORDS to me about it, more than a gift to me of what he said. Thank you sweetheart.
I thought our plan to go on vacation to Bali will be postponed again this year. I'll tell you why.The car that we rent several months ago can not be prepared due to an accident a night before our schedule. We will have a big disappoinment if we don't go, but it's okay I supposed. GOD's plan is always beyond aour imagination right? We supposed to be ready to go on 5pm but at that time we still wait until 9pm, the replacement car is arrived. Well, thx GOD at least we can still visit one of the most beautiful island in Indonesia.
We are ready to go on 11pm, almost midnight so I woke my daughter up and carry her with me. I'm sure she will enjoy the holidays. Since we were against the holiday traffic, it almost too smooth the journey we take to get to the port. Even when we want to come across by boat, the queue is just normal. It took about half an hour to go accross java sea, the boat shaking make us dizzy but long road to go from that Bali port at Gilimanuk to Badung, where we want to take a little rest at my bestfriend's house, Trisna. Gosh, another 3 hours to go.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Blessed you with wisdom...honey
This 4 wonderful years with you has given me a lot. Lots of joy, but also tears and heartbroken moments. I think that's the art of life, no matter we tried, good must balanced with bad things as long as we can correctly interpreting those moments.
One shiny afternoon (september 9th 2009 4:48pm) I wrote this on my phone's draft with grumbling on you :
I was born with this huge understanding to others,
and with less expectation,
none of anger,
that's why I can live my life to know you guys,
people with just a little heart,
cool at most of times...but cold blooded heart killer too
So honey, happy birthday to you...wish you a joyful days, and my love to you will always changed to various good shape so we can pass through our life together.
Love you..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Hair Pin Collection 1
Hair pin 1

Kode : HP1
Bahan : Satin motif bunga
Harga : Rp. 10,000.00 (US$ 1.00)

Kode : HP2
Warna : Putih Gading
Bahan : Satin (with ribbon embroidery)
Harga : Rp. 20,000.00 (US$ 2.00)
Hair pin 3

Warna : Putih Gading
Bahan : Satin (with ribbon embroidery)
Harga : Rp. 20,000.00 (US$ 2.00)

Love Felt Hair Pin
Kode : HPLOV1
Warna : Merah, Pink, Hitam, Hijau, Soft Orange
Bahan : Felt
Harga : Rp. 20,000.00/set (10 bh) (US$ 2.00)
Flower Felt Hair Pin

Kode : HPFLO4
Warna : Merah, Pink, Dark Yellow, Hijau, Soft Orange
Bahan : Felt
Harga : Rp. 15,000.00/set (10 bh) (US$ 1.50)

Rose Felt Hair Pin
Kode : HPFLO1
Warna : Merah, Hitam, Dark Yellow, Hijau, Soft Orange
Bahan : Felt
Harga : Rp. 20,000.00/set (10 bh) (US$ 2.00)
Birdie Felt

Kode : HPBRD1
Warna : Biru, Soft Green, Ungu, Pink, Soft Orange
Bahan : Felt
Harga : Rp. 15,000.00/set (5 bh) (US$ 1.50)

Dolphin Felt
Kode : HP8
Warna : Pink
Bahan : Felt
Harga : Rp. 10,000.00/set (3 bh) (US$1.00)
Untuk pemesanan, silakan sms ato email aja ya.
PS: sorry that I wrote in Bahasa, just to deliver some requests from friends. But I can still accept 'for free' a gift for your beloved.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My little girl's big jump
Sunday Morning.
It's been a regular occasion that we spent our holiday at my parents' home. So around 10am after church, we pack our bag and make my daughter ready to go. One plan in mind that I want to ease her addiction on milk bottle away since she will be 3 years old soon. I think that will need courage from us as her parents to give her a chance, that's from what I felt. I think I want to share this with young parents who had this experience.
Here is what i did. I changed half part of her ordinary milk with an organic soybean milk that I consumed. When she refused to finished drinking it, I gave her an instant milk with straw. I told her maybe her daily milk changed its flavor into some unpleasant one. First problem i face was when she wanted to take a nap around 12pm. She had never missed her bottle when getting off to sleep. She was whining for her bottle so I made that soybean milk, again she refused it. Finally she was felt a sleep without that. That was our first success.
Those afternoon times give us strengh and confidence to get through the first whole day without bottle. We don't encounter much problem at night when she went to bed, I think she had this thought in her mind "Instant milk is not bad at all". It's been a week since she had her last bottle, and honestly we felt like winning a big triumph. It brought joy to our life since we have plan to send her to kindergarten next year. So from what I saw, she's ready for school.
Good job big girl, you've done such an impressive 'adult' behaviour although you're not yet 3 years old, that's what mommy thought.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My first bag making tutorial
Finally here it is, my first 'share' how to make a bag. But hold on, I don't even have a name for this bag. I'll name it at the ending part I supposed, so keep following, sit back, get your tools, and maybe a cup of coffee, what a good companion you have there:).
Here is the steps to make the bag :
- Making the pattern :

- Cut the pieces and lining

- Put everything together (the pieces and lining), also the fold-up white and flowered fabric
- Making the handles
- Sew the zipper into the bag
Now it's time to enjoy your coffee, cause we've done it. Here is the bag 'sitting' on my office chair.
Since I used flower pattern of satin, I think I'll name it Flowerbed bag. You can see the ending result at the bag and shopping categories. Hope you can enjoy and post your bag then link bag to me next time.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Flowerbed bag

Code : TSL4
Material : satin
Color : white
Size : w30cmxh30cm
Price : Rp 150,000.00 (100% handmade).
Enjoy this month promo with free delivery all across Indonesia
Just drop

Forgive me for this blur image of the embroidery detail, my camera seems need to be upgraded:) haha.
Keep visiting my blog to see this bag tutorial, will be available soon.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
You should try this at home : DETOXIFICATION
Detoxification : process of removing harmful substances from your body by only eating and drinking particular things. (Oxford Learner's Pocket Dictionary)
I've never thought to take this detox process my entire life. You know why? I tell you why. First thing, I can't eat without rice. Yeap, I think that's been a habbit for most of Indonesian people to have rice as staple food. Second of all, I don't care much about the vegetables if it served with side dish. So, I can't imagine how would I eat without all of that?
But when my friend explain how he feels after taking the detox process, Ive been thinking maybe the time is come to take the advantage of that detoxification. So, although it's not cheap, I bought it with no regrets and strong will. I think that's a good start:)
Short words, last week I started the plan. Of course I still cook everyday menus for my family, just put some additional vegetables so that I can have them to replace my staple food. First day, honestly been a hard day since we bought my daughter favourite menu 'French Fries' after work. It's my first job at home after got home to coax my daughter to finished her dinner. I forgot to tell you the directions for use 'Organic Botanical Powdered Beverage', maybe you've known that kind of food supplement from other brand. I won't put any advertisement here, don't worry:) haha. But of course you can always ask me if interested.
Next challenge is to continue follwoing 6 days left. I've been felt comfortable with the detox process and all of its requirements. And I've noticed one good side of having detoxification, what I mean is a good 'side effect' of it. My husband puts more attention to me of how I eat and asked me how my body react with that supplement I take. You know something, he's the person that very careful in taking medicine. I think that's why he didn't want to take that detoxification. So, on day #6, the part of those harmful substances inside my body came out with feces (sorry to mention but I think it will be better and useful to know) with about 30 centimeters long.
So, I've been passed that detoxification now, and start to make changes on my daily portion of rice. We'll see about that later. When I look at my face in the mirror (you know something, I only look at it once a day when put my make up on..haha), I think I have brighter color of skin now, a little bit..
Any interest on trying this? Please feel free to ask and leave me comments. Sorry if I mention 'improper' words here. Great day guys:)
Thursday, June 04, 2009
No signal
So after that, what he trying to do is to keep the signal there so that enough for connection. What do you do if you were him? haha, i'll show you now...

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Colored Crepe Basket

Saturday, May 30, 2009
What about a new hair style?
So, next time I'll post my 'hairmophosis' here, hope you'll still recognized me with the new one. As my company make its advertisement on our new cigarette brand 'Changes is needed', i think I'll need that changes too.
So, get back here next week to keep updated:) see you all guys, have a nice weekend.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thanks to FB
Few days ago, one busy afternoon, one of my best friend told me that she had invitation from our friend to be added as his friend at FB. One reason why it sounds great for me is, he had never 'shown up' since his graduation. But the biggest reason is... he was my first boyfriend.
At that time after that, I was FB-walking just to see his profile there. As I thought before, he only put his son's photo as profile picture. It doesn't matter to me, everyone has their rights. From FB, I know that he have had 2 cute kids, 5 years old boy and 2 years old girl. He put some great pics of his family (without himself) there. Bali is a nice place to live I guess. So I gather all my courage to give him a comment on 1 picture of his kids, I said "Like father like son, but also like mother like daughter:)". I said that because his son looks exactly like him, and his daughter looks as cute as her mother. I don't need any reply on that since I was just happy to know that he had already add me as his friend.
Back to couple years ago, in 2002. That was the time when I graduated from university. As I remember, I was always become his 'recycle bin' (in a good meaning) for his relationship with another girl. But as time goes on, we have more than friend-friend feelings, you know what I mean..Short story, few months after that we have a remembrance story together. But that's it. After his return home to Bali, one day he sent me an sms telling that it'll never be the same again. Got no chance to ask for explanation, even after he returned back. Few times that we can see each other after that did not improve our relationship, friendship in this case..
As for now, what is important for me is...we're all have our own life, so what we can maintain is..friendship itself.So, friend...Lets make our friendship fun and meaningful at the same time.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Childhood of mine
I've always had a thought like this :
How happy we are if we can have our own money and can buy anything we want.
Even now when I can afford to buy things there's still a thought :
How happy we are if we can have enough time to spend that money.
Of course that's only a joke. It's not that I don't have 'time' but it's about having priority on how we spend money. That's just another things we should think as grown up people, not like a little kid.
Lets see...I think many kids out there have more happy times than me. Not much as I remember about my childhood. If I can say in 3 words about my childhood, I would mention this : energetic, sporty, and school minded.
People told me that I was an agile kid, can't stand not to move around.. (at least I know where my daughter got that nature from) haha. I think my mother had done a great job to prepare me breakfast every single day without a missed. You know something, I hate milk since I was a kid, but my mother force me to drink that at least twice a week. She always make decoction of greenpeal and ask me to drink it every morning after breakfast. Very much like tea but different smell. By nature my skin is dark, so I always wish to have fair skin, just a little girl inferiority I guess.

My father took me to the swimming pool almost every week since I was in elementary school, and of course as a kid I was so excited to play and learn how to swim. I was able to swim along the 50 meters distance and compete with my big brother for strength. Once I participated in a 3km sprint for celebrating my country anniversary, and although got no prize to win but I was quite pleased on it.
But all those sport I love to do is less exhausted compare to the school tasks I have to face everyday. In fact, I had achieved first rank on school grades since I was in second grade of elementary school, so it's been a burden for me to defend it. I took lessons on that to help me facing various kind of questions. I think it's not necessary to always achieve the highest rank, the important think is to enjoy our school period and make friends as many as possible. I realize that now...
---------You will be surprised to read my next story below---------
Just want to make sure that my parents have this one:) haha.My late grand father was a smoker, he bought tobacco and rolled his own cigar. Me and my brother were curious on that, so one day when no body at home we were sneaking around to taste it! Of course it makes me cough once I inhale it. But that's not the worst part. I remember few minutes after that someone is coming to our room, so without a thought I throw it away through my window. I don't realize that my bed was sun-dried below that window. Can you imagine what happen next? Because of that, we make stories to our parents that somebody else did it. So coward, isn't it? Viuuhh...We've never talked about that and my brother:) Even he doesn't smoke either, well that's good for you...big brother.
But there is something I can't talk here since that was too private and improper to mention. That thing I can't talk here is unforgetable bad experience to me. What I want you to know is, I will try my very best... to make my daughter...see only proper things for child to see.
I told you before that my mother had done a great job as a mother for us. I realize that I wish more than that now...I think it's better for moms being not only a mother but also a FRIEND. That was a thing that missed from our mother - daughter relationship. I was not able to tell lots of things (including my first love) to my mother since we were not so closed. This is the 2nd thing that I want my daughter not to experienced. Too much pain and hurt...I think I was still
grateful to have her as my mother. I need to take a deep breathe now, hurt enough just to remember it..
That's all I can 'dig' so far:)
time is to precious to forget..
it's easier to forget..
but forgive is sometimes a separate thing to do.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Had a deep thinking on something..
As you know I'm a working mother with 3 years old daughter. What I've been thinking is this...I wake up about 4 AM in the morning everyday (including sunday), take a bath, do some home tasks like washing clothes, dishes, and cooking. Took 2 hours to do those things, and after that waked my daughter up from bed, take her for bath if there's still time for that, because you know how difficult a child taken for morningbath. Mostly it will take about 20 minutes for them to finish.
Breakfast is next thing to do, I always think that that's the most important meal to take for a whole day. Without make up on, I'm ready to hit the road to go for work. Took about 30 minutes, so I need to be ready before 7:20.
Thanks to my sweet husband that always lead us come and go for about 40km everyday. I think he's more tired than me, regardless no additional work for him at home:) that's okay for me, since I'm blessed with extra energy to do lots of daily work. I think (and I believe) every moms in the world blessed with that kind of energy too:) But sometimes I need to take break..
8 AM to 4 PM. @work.
What I love about my work as an IT staff is this :
Dealing with user problem, sometimes negotiate and break a lance with them..
Dealing with IT suppliers, have to be strict with them, some of them just want to earn more money from us and being not supportive..
Dealing with boss, I have many numbers of them here, so sometimes we have to be careful to make our own priority. Every case is urgent (they said) but it's always needed to queued up..
Last but not least :
Dealing with technical consultants, most of them are foreigner so that's the best time to learn English!:) Sometimes they're nice to talk about things other than work also.
If got no extra work at the office, I'll be home at 5 or so. Take a bath and start doing my task as mother. If i'm around, my kid won't let me do anything but to play with her, sing many kid 'foolish' songs, and follow her acts. That's been precious hours for me, being with my family and watching my daughter grow so fast. Each day is like winking my eyes.
That's what I worried much now, that I won't be able to pay attention on my daughter growth if I still work outside.
Considering we have lots of dreams in life, like having our own house, give my daughter a little brother or sister as a family member, and build our own business, I think for few
years we have to earn lots of money from work. And that will be hard if one of us quit from work, not less confidence to run our own business, but it's safe to run our side job
when we are working as employee also. About that house, we still search for it. Almost buy one but failed at last agreement, so it's time for us to take a deep breath and let it go.
To calm down my confusion, I think it's better for me to let everything go with the flow first, In the mean time I try to improve mother-child companionship first, so that my kid
feel more comfort with herself to learn everything with me on her side. Sometimes I imagine what would I look like as an ordinary full time house wife:) haha.
So stick around here to catch my new look:) just kidding, that will take long time for me to decide.
PS: wish me luck with the new house also, we really ...really... want that to become a real!!
You are getting old today
Happy birthday to you..
Now is april 29th and as I remember you're already 33 years old. I've just remember your birthday few days ago, after I met you for the second time at the church.
Sorry, but honestly there's nothing I can do to give you a greeting on this. I don't know your current cellphone number, so I think if I write on the net, at least some people knew how happy I am for you today. Hope you're blessed with happiness, health, and joyful. You deserve the best in life, regardless all you've done in the past.
One thing that I want you to know is this:
There was a time that I let love lived inside my heart for you..
But now is the time that I let that love find its place out there in the sky.
So time will never forget us..
And our story is always written.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Song for the soul
Sidney Mohede - Aku Berserah | ||
| ||
Found at bee mp3 search engine |
It's in Indonesian language mixed with English, so at the last part you will understand the meaning. The title means 'I surrender'... In the mean time, I'll try to search for more songs that we can listen together, but I let you know when I have stopped to search for them. And still try to find a way to upload songs from my PC to my blog (hope there are people out there had succeed to do the same thing and able to share their experience with me here)..
God bless you all.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #22)
It supposed to be a relax day, but phone keeps on ringing. Keeps on receiving complains, especially because of the process changes. Quite big changes I think, so it's supposed to be hard to follow for users. I understand that, so I had prepared my ears and lips to listen and to explain to them. Viuhh...exhausted.
But I hope slowly (but sure) they will get used to it, since we don't have choice but to keeps on moving.
I buy few souvenirs for Brian, actually for his wife and kids (sorry about that Brian..but I have no idea what kind of things you like..haha). So, this is it. We decided to stand on our own, soon or later...the time is come. It's farewell time. He said to me 'I thought you'd ask me to stay.' Haha, I would but I feel sorry for my company to spend more money on you:)...That's just in my mind.. of course.
One thing I feel this morning after the project over..
One little piece of my heart had flown away
Well...Thank you very much for your support, hard work, time, cooperation, and last but not least...friendship. Because I have you as my friend now.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
One numb moment..
I take my daughter to the church so she can meet friends at her age:) Sometimes she shakes her legs and hands follow the song leader, but some other time she's just staring at other children, I think she wonder what crowded is that..
Pay full attention of my daughter makes me heedless for one person who's watching over me there...He call my name and I can see him.Guy next door..
That's the moment that I feel numb.
My mouth, my mind, also my feeling..
But few seconds after that, I can control myself and had a little conversation with him. A little overweight but still the same person I knew. He asked me about my daughter and few other things. But I have to watched over my kid again (she'll disappear one second after I winked my eyes) I let that moment and chance gone. But I think many eyes watch over us since they knew that we had a relationship so long ago. Not correct time and place to meet I supposed, because I've never expected to see him so soon.
Not so soon actually, because it's been over 3 years. But what I mean is, If I met him at a better time I would gladly talk to him, just to know that he is just fine. Yeah, maybe later.
Amien..trully, It would be glad to meet him again after today.
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #20)
Other problem is on the system. I think it's a system bug we have in our new system, so I made a log call on our technical support. Of course take a long time, since it's saturday afternoo. But I think we are lucky today, we've got the solution, at least we can try. So, we have no choice but to download and apply the fixes. Then i'll do some testing, looks fine...Thanks GOD, otherwise I have no idea on what i'm going to do. But to make sure whether there is no more bugs, have to wait again...
So, my saturday night life is at my office:) so 'interesting'..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #19)
But I can't go to the church today:) haha, that's ok. Any friday will be as good as today, If we believe. That's for sure.
Just to make sure that the users will feel comfort works in the new servers, I sent them email today, so tomorrow will be a big day for us here in IT. We have to make sure everything is running with 1000% performance.
Hope so..
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #18)
Today I prepare my self for vote:)
As a citizen, I think it's our rights and obligation at the same time to vote.
Honestly, I prefer not to vote. You know why? because among all those political party, I think they are not good enough to receive trust and chance to do good things to our people. Only hope for vote, but nothing to give back. Sorry, but I think we're agree on that...
So, I go for vote. I choose only those who better in 'believe in GOD' (not believe in religion) and nationality. At least I don't throw away my right, that's was just my opinion, so lets wait on the result. Actually I've already known the result, because of course big and 'traditional' party will won, they have all to win the election.
Back on business, we can take a deep breath from now on, left only few testing and tuning up the system to work not just properly but also 'fast'. Come on, it's US$160,000 invest on the new servers! so, huge expectation on its performance.
Go home at 6:30pm...
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #17)
World Record for coming home late has been broken again!!
But I think this one will stand for long times to be broken. I left my office at 11:35pm and reach home after midnight. goodness!! And you know something, my lovely husband is always waiting for hours during my times in the office. I think I'll have nice sleep tonight, after this midnight I mean.
Tomorrow is a holiday, and the day after tomorrow too.
Election day is April 9th
Good Friday in April 10th.
But for me, there will be no holiday until we can go live on new servers.
That would be my pleasure, but it's been a pleasure these 3 weeks time:)
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #16)
Anyway, more and more testing tonight...I can achieve degree 'Master of Testing' for that:) haha. But we can prepare for the worst with good testing. On and off, shutdown and restart, log on and off...I try to learn different things when switch over those status, so it won't make me bored.
One thing that I enjoy so much is to introduce many kind of food here, but of course we'll think twice to ask him out for lunch at roadside, too risky. What if he has stomachache, my schedule will become longer...oh no!
Wait..wait... he's calling for me again, I think he can't live without me:) haha..
Bye for now...:) take care.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #15)
Yeap, last night I was going home at 10:45pm, and I reach home 30 minutes after that. So, that's not impossible that the record is going to be broken again this week, that's we can not guarantee:) haha. This is our last week on the project, so will be heavy days with testing and try to make the system as stable as possible.
Again...we must test it when other users is 'asleep', that's why our time is limited to do system testing. By the way..anyway..busway..we're having system training these 3 days ahead, so in the morning we face whiteboard the after 5pm we see black server screen:)
Not yet that I can take our consultant photos, but i try my best:) haha.
Wish me luck (not actually a luck, just need a chance..).
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #13)
Yeah...sometimes we need rest, recharge our energy to get back on track on moday...
i'll be in touch
Friday, April 03, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #12)
Hmm..actually I have less words left to say now, but I think I have something to say..
Especially for trisna, there you are in Denpasar Bali (such a long way to reach you), but you know that you always my heart. Hello there, how are you today girl?
She was complained about her jobs yesterday, so no space left at her desk lately. Always full of paperworks. I think you should complain to your boss sweetheart, not me:) haha. But of course, I think what she needs right now is some words from me that can ease her thoughts.She said that I always have enough 'ready stock' that kind of words:) haha.
When I was busy with my daily jobs, that's the moment that I feel being count on. So imagine if you're sick and not able to work, what will happen. From that thoughts, I realize that even we're in the middle of cruciality, we have to be calm down.
Your boss yell at you..
Calm down, take your time (but of course that's because you can yell back to him:)haha).
Your jobs keep coming and like never ended..
Calm down, so you can think.
And if there's time that you can't think..
Calm down, so you can pray.
Your bone ache..
Calm down, so you can rest then think how would you ask your husband to get you a little massage maybe:).
I need to go back on business good luck to you.
I hope you'll be fine...and get promoted soon.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #11)
Regular schedule.
Regular people.
But I try to make it as 'extraordinary' as I can. What I can think is this..
you have to love the life you live.
If you love someone or something, that's where you put your heart. So, that's what I always do. So, all the 'storm' in it is just about to domesticated. Until we are being 'a master' in it, it's our job to taken care of..
it's already 8:15pm, and I'm going home in about 30 minutes from now. Hope can talk to you again soon.
Good night everybody:)
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #10)
Don't know if I should happy or sad about it:) haha.
What time was it?
10:30pm and reach home at 11:00pm.
After that?
take a bath at 11:10pm.
go to bed at 11:30pm.
So that's it?
Yes, for tuesday.
Again...wednesday. April fool's day. But I have to stay 'unfool' at least for next 2 weeks time. I think i'll be going home 'early' tonight, maybe at 6:30 or 7:00pm. We've done on simulation test so we have reached next step for build the DR (disaster recovery) servers. Still on checking some other things and doing my regular jobs here, so i'll be in touch...
ps: can't wait to watch 'Musics and Lyrics', Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore would be the perfect couple. Will also expecting the songs from the OST. I'll let you know.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #9)
Oh really, my gosh...
Haha, actually I missed all the happening out there, because my life is full with project now. My world is only about how to finish it on time, my time is ...12 hours at work, 6 hours sleep, 3 hours doing house task, and only 2 or 3 hours playing around with my kid.
You see...only small world I face lately. But surrounding with supportive people here is a pleasure, indeed. Imagine, once you enter the server room at 8:00am..and the next minute you leave's already dark outside:) so amazing.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #8)
It's monday, a new week is about to begin.
I guess i've been recharge after whole week ' been used'..
So, back on business...It's been a long day at office, and now is 8:15pm, I'll be replacing office boy if i stay longer than this:) haha. So, I go back home at see whether everything that proceed is fine tomorrow. But wait, my daughter has made an order : McDonald french fries. It's her fave menu of all time:) Nevermind sweety, mom brought that for you.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #6)
and tomorrow is sunday:) yippie I can have a holiday, because it's not good for you if have no time to relax at home with your family.
They're like rain in the desert..
Like food to your soul..
Really comforting when you have them to love and hug..
I think it's enough for 1st week, give time to ourself to lay back:)
so see you all on monday...
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #5)
It's already 'flyday'...time flies hah:)
Been dizzy this afternoon...I think it's because of the weather outside and been overworked, but it's better now:) with some rest...
I think we've achieved out target this week, so we have holiday this sunday. Just to straighten my back and take my child for some fun. That's what i've been waiting for this entire week, since I have not enough time to focus on her.
You know something...I hope I don't loose more weight by the end of this project:) hope so.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #4)
Happy 'Nyepi Day' for Trisna and Rina there in Bali, must be quiet now there.
No airport activity..
No traffic jam..
No TV on..
So, we must keep quiet guys, don't interrupt them with their spiritual activity..
Back to work.
we face some big problems today, very unexpectable but good to shock us whether we need to be very careful with each step we take, could effect our work ahead.
But enough for today at 6:15pm, so I can go home and see my daughter. It seems that I always late for home this week, at least at 7pm. That makes me lost some time with my family, especially my daughter. But don't worry sweetheart, mom will pay for that time we missed these couple weeks ahead. That's my promise..
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #3)
I know... it's been Indonesian people bad habbit for years...
Tomorrow is holiday here in Indonesia, we're given 1 day off for this 'Nyepi Day'. But of course...We decided to take it as regular office day, so that we can finish the project as soon as possible. And the main reason is, we need no disturbance from the user here. So, if they can't access the server, our process won't be interrupted.
How are you doing there? is it good or great?:) Thanks for leaving me messages, that's really become a supporting role... much. Haha..
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #2)
you know why?
because I've already said to much words in English to my consultant here about our project...and I feel tired, need more time to get used to it:)
I have stomachache yesterday because of the stressful, but it's better today
but that's okay, so far so good here in our upgrading project. It's been 2 days with knowledge transfer. Thanks GOD that my consultant is nice and kind..
I miss my friends out there, but job must come first.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #1)
After a busy week preparing for the upcoming project here in my office, I think I'll write about this 26 days in project. So when you can't 'reach' me on a fascinating talks like we always did, you're still be able to read here. Not always interesting and understandable things, but I can promise that you will understand that i have limited time just to go back to my desk and knowing that you're there...
Well, this morning i still have enough time. Our consultant is supposed to be arrived at Surabaya International Airport now. He's from Singapore. He'll be on 3 hours away from Kediri, so I'll prepare for his arrival. Little bit nervous because we haven't had a foreign consultant visited for 2 years. So if there's one thing I need the dictionary is the thing:)
Above all things, I'll just need to pray that everything will go smooth and can finish on schedule. Then, everybody here will be happy because we have planned for this about 4 months. I'm expecting my boss from Jakarta to welcoming our guest, but haven't heard any news from him either. So I think I'll had myself 'tend' on this project.
Wish me luck...
In the name of The Lord, please bless me with wisdom. To You I relied on..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Differences between man and woman..
Sounds interesting when read the title? I'm not gonna make it general since I didn't have complete character list of men and neither women, so I was going to change that title...sorry:)
Differences between virgo man and scorpio woman
Hope not reduce your fascination to read..
At one dinner time.
He eats almost all the food served..
She waits until he's done.
When one side makes mistakes.
His lips keep quiet and say no sorry..
She keeps on asking apologize.
TV is on.
He loves comedy..
She prefer tragedy.
Meet with new people.
He can make conclusion on their character..
While she saw only their good side..that's what she wants to see.
At job when trouble maker is doing the job.
He was able to confront face to face..
She picks email as a way out.
Anger Management.
He has no such thing.. eyes on eyes.
She will pass the exam with at least 80 from 100 scale.
Love storage.
He has a big room for that..
While she had prepared for an ocean to be overwhelmed.
(30 minutes after lunch)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
It’s Ringing again…
We were in the same class at college, but don’t have a chance to get to know him in my initial year of college. We’ve been closed during that field trip to Bali in September 2000. It was just in my opinion, but I thought he was kind of cute and has ‘one of the best’ smile. First time using that phone, I even become non expert, didn’t have idea how to type sms.:) That was obvious, indeed. Just feel comfortable when having it with me. If you’re expecting a fascinating story related to him, be ready to be disappointed. Yeap..the story ended up there, just like that. He choose one girl, and it wasn’t me. I can deal with that, don’t worry.:)
He was just a star in the sky…
And only a stone in the deep blue sea…
Interesting one, but doesn’t take more than a month to forget that story. I think we both have the same feeling, just different size.:) haha, so comforting what I’m saying…I give a little room to breathe now, he was married with that girl he choose at that time, and now have 2 kids. That’s great, isn’t it?
Well.. let see..My second phone was still nokia, I bought it in the year of 2003. I bought it because my first nokia was broken. At that time I was starting a new life at my sweet hometown. Actually my parents begged me to go back home after 6 years away from them. They asked me to apply for work at a cigarette company here. As the one and only daughter, I have to take that offer and leaving lots of friends miles away. It’s not that easy to start a new chapter I supposed. So, there’s no romantic nor interesting story came up with my 2nd phone, nokia 3200. But wait..wait.. don’t you just leave my story here. Yes…there was a man…
Actually I’ve already known him for years, since I was a child. You ask me how come? He was living next door to my house.
A son of a priest.
Good looking guy.
Here is the quick recap. He had a crush on me since I was in college, but at that time I said ‘no’. Then I choose a ‘yes’ answer at the 2nd time offer. We’ve been through tough months during our relationship. It was my parents, they don’t even consider him because of his past. Could not tell you details here, but trust me..I can easily understand why they did that, but hard enough for me to let him go. What I remember is we’ve been sneaking out for about 8 months, just to see each other.
Such a huge love he had given. I knew that I could miss once in a lifetime chance if I make that decision to let go of him. But it was one moment, one view that across my eyes…when I take a closer look at my mother’s weary face. What a sorrow eyes she had at that time…at that few seconds. Looks like been a burder to her with my relationship problem. Ever since that painful view, I’ve made up my mind, but still no chance to talk.
One day, right after my 120km trip, I was on the bus home. I thought that must be my only chance, it was now or never. It was pouring rain, I asked him to pick me up and I choose that dinner time…I let him go…April 2004.
Yes, still using that nokia 3200. Of course there are many messages and photos left and not been deleted for long times. I let him go but let his memory stay. I was like dead living person months after that, I let my heart go with him I think. We were still friends after that, but never heard any news from him again. For years.
Next one.
Still the same brand, I was kind of nokia minded. I choose black nokia 7610. I bought it in April 2005. I like its shape and of course the color.
A man behind that? Yes, I forgot to mention that:)
He was a friend …to a friend of mine. We worked in the same company, but different department. So there is no chance to get to know him at work. We were introduced by a friend of mine at a new year celebration…December 31th 2004. There is no special feature on him as I remember. I noticed that he had a self confidence.
No physically special..except his height..
I can see strong character at first sight. I can’t expect anything. One reason is I was just having fun far away from home during that celebration. Other reason is…I knew that my friend who introduced us had a special feeling for him, just knew it. Never expected to see him again…until that live concert. Here is the plan : me with my 2 other friend want to see that music concert, and of course already had 3 tickets in hands. But last minutes before that, this friend of mine wanted to join us…with that man. Short story, after that concert we have couple chances to see each other and of course… dealing with our cell phone.
Such an important role they played in our life, don’t you think?
I thought we have that ‘bizarre love triangle’… but it’s not the bizarre thing what I mean here, at that time I feel like I’m gonna lose my best friend because of that.
But my heart showed me another way.
So I tool that risk, because I knew they were just friends. Of course I knew that she will at least made a distance to me or even worst. Well, best friend ‘in some cases’ is not forever.
The one which live forever was the distance she made.
Many people, especially at work changed their opinion about me after that. Well, I just leave it and I think time will tell. That’s the only thing I can do. So we’re having serious relationship for about 7 months and then take a huge step ahead.. marriage.
Yes, right. He’s my husband I tell you in a story now. I let my cell phone full with messages and photos during our relationship. I saved up to 300 messages here in my cell phone. I’m thankful that it’s still worked after 4 years now, although have been drowned once at my bath room:).
Maybe it’s time for a change, but do I need one more man as the reason behind that? Haha, we’ll never know. Well, I let you know when I have a new one…cell phone I mean.
(when expecting Manchester United vs Internazionale match)
Friday, March 06, 2009
My 'rectoverso' in person..

I have never expected to know you in person. Especially now, when my world is fully complete (that was I thought). That's it...when i feel complete, the ground beneath me is not moving anymore like it should be, everything is under controlled so i feel too comfort inside and can't see the world turning around. Now i think that was no longer a perfection, but definitely a danger..
Then one day you 'passed' me by, weeks ago. I've just given full access to those unreal and transparent world when I knew you. Well, for me you are real, that's for sure. I was just thinking, you are my 'rectoverso' in person. You're the one who always can explain 'in words' how i am and what i will do. Maybe it's me who was to exciting then exaggerating moments like these. You can say that also, that's so normal, and in fact i can't give you some scientific answer:)...
But indeed, each and every single time since I knew you, it has been a 'pouring' time of inspiration, flame, and life passion. Thanks to you, the cool dude, for turning my days the way they should be, and for pouring your heart into my life. You brought back my radiance shine, and i hope at the end of time when everything disappeared, my heart found its trully shape. I realize something now, a heart has to be built just like a home, has to be transformed in any shape like a gum, until it's coming back to where it belongs to..
Thanks to you:)
Should be no name mentioned, because we can all know and feel..
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Sing it with me...
Actually, I'm not a good listener..
Do you want any proof of that? ok, let me explain...
sometimes I like a song just because of the music, so whatever the lyrics said...let it be:)..
At least i'm good at receiving message from the songwriter..
So..use your ears to listen,
mind to understand,
body to express,
and heart to feel..
Hope can upload it here soon so my blog can be the air station for you all,
take a deep breath first before..
Some songs here will hold your breath for a while..
check this out..
1. Let me fall - Josh Groban
2. Broken Vow - Lara Fabian
3. Papercut - Linkin Park
4. Uninvited - Alanis Morisette
5. Do what you have to do - Sarah McLachlan
6. The first time ever I saw your face - Celine Dion
7. Water Runs Dry - Boyz Two Men
8. A place for my head - Linkin Park
9. The scientist - Coldplay
10. Foolish Game - Jewel
Please don't hesitate to leave me comments..
to arnie : I'm the one who's airing the songs this time:) haha.
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Sarah McLachlan - Do What You Have To Do | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Celine Dion - First time ever I saw your face | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Boyz II Men - Water Runs Dry | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
Linkin Park - A Place for My Head | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
heero002 - Coldplay - The Scientist | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |
- - Foolish Games | ||
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Found at bee mp3 search engine |