Finally here it is, my first 'share' how to make a bag. But hold on, I don't even have a name for this bag. I'll name it at the ending part I supposed, so keep following, sit back, get your tools, and maybe a cup of coffee, what a good companion you have there:).
Here is the steps to make the bag :
- Making the pattern :

- Cut the pieces and lining

- Put everything together (the pieces and lining), also the fold-up white and flowered fabric
- Making the handles
- Sew the zipper into the bag
Now it's time to enjoy your coffee, cause we've done it. Here is the bag 'sitting' on my office chair.
Since I used flower pattern of satin, I think I'll name it Flowerbed bag. You can see the ending result at the bag and shopping categories. Hope you can enjoy and post your bag then link bag to me next time.
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