Yes!! we are expecting new baby now:)
It's been 9 weeks or so, and it's the first time I tell the net about the good news. Well, it's been a busy months, along my 2 first months being a pregnant woman again. I have to fly all the way to Jakarta for business and have some technical problems with my servers at the office..So, finally I can write again.
USG speaks..!

Yeah, I believe that. It has its difficulty also. Considering that this is my second pregnancy, I believe that as a pregnant woman, we have to know what can make us comfort the most. Food and activities. Just combine them both, eat 'comforting' foods and do as much as you can to 'throw out' attention instead of thinking about morning sickness:)
Well, flu can be a gigantic illness for us. Considering for not taking medicine is the main reason. I've been through that whole week in flu on my week number 7. Finally, that's already over. Now I can enjoy a little bit, taking care of my first daughter with her school homework and her brother/ sister inside me.
Well, I hope I can write much someday about my days. So, I can remember all those wonderful times of my life. I agree with my priest at the church, he once said if we bless for people, the blessings will also bless us.
So, bless you my friends.
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