Monday, March 23, 2009

Journal of 26 days upgrading project (Day #1)

Here I write again...
After a busy week preparing for the upcoming project here in my office, I think I'll write about this 26 days in project. So when you can't 'reach' me on a fascinating talks like we always did, you're still be able to read here. Not always interesting and understandable things, but I can promise that you will understand that i have limited time just to go back to my desk and knowing that you're there...

Well, this morning i still have enough time. Our consultant is supposed to be arrived at Surabaya International Airport now. He's from Singapore. He'll be on 3 hours away from Kediri, so I'll prepare for his arrival. Little bit nervous because we haven't had a foreign consultant visited for 2 years. So if there's one thing I need the dictionary is the thing:)

Above all things, I'll just need to pray that everything will go smooth and can finish on schedule. Then, everybody here will be happy because we have planned for this about 4 months. I'm expecting my boss from Jakarta to welcoming our guest, but haven't heard any news from him either. So I think I'll had myself 'tend' on this project.

Wish me luck...
In the name of The Lord, please bless me with wisdom. To You I relied on..

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